September is not only a prelude to a beautiful fall season, but for many, the season that they love best of all… football season. Of course, for all of us picklers, tailgating is not only a chance to show off our delicious Great Lakes Pickling Company treats, but it’s ALSO a time to show off…

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Hummus would be on Mount Rushmore of dips. Hummus is world renowned; the allure of pureed chick peas, tahini, garlic, lemon and olive oil has found its way into the main stream of dip choices worldwide. In the Great Lakes Pickling Company’s hummus recipe, we substitutes pickle brine for the lemon juice and add chopped…

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Looking for a dip recipe that’s almost a meal in itself? One that’s a crowd pleaser, a family pleaser, and most importantly, a pickle pleasing go-to favorite? Our Melty Buffalo Cheesy Chicken Pickle Dip is quite a mouthful. Figuratively AND literally. This warm/hot dip, is a spicy and savory blend of cheeses and chicken, with…

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Once you start pickling, you can never have enough recipe ideas to use with your delicious pickles. This one plays homage to two unique and quite addictive hobbies: pickling and Pickleball (the sport). Pickles and cheese naturally go great together. You only have to look as far as many sandwich combinations and accompaniments, including our…

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So many of our devoted pickling peeps also love Chinese cuisine but did you know that Chinese ALSO love pickles? In fact, the ancient art of pickling is a rich part of their cultural food heritage and is celebrated in many of its rather well known “western” cuisine. While pickled condiments, such as Kimchi, are…

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We all know just how challenging it can be during the holidays, to come up with a few great appetizers or hors d oeuvre ideas, whether it be for a casual get to get together, a pot luck “bring-a-dish”, or for a fancy dinner party. Good news! We’ve got 3 great recipes ideas to share…

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It’s early October and nearly everywhere you go, and everywhere you look…there are pumpkins. The vast majority of these pumpkins are quite large. The ones carved into Jack-o-Lanterns by the kids and the kids at heart. Their destination is not the dinner table, not in pies or mashed, not sauteed or roasted. But the front…

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Pickled sweet corn is a particularly good way to celebrate any time of the year when sweet corn is at the height of its sweetness. In Michigan, the home of the Great Lakes Pickling Company, that’s August to early September. Pickled corn is a wonderful garnishment on salads, grilled meats, (including burgers), and is great…

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A Spicy Avocado and Pickle Dip Recipe with a Familiar Twist! Nearly anyone buying avocados in the grocery store are also filling their carts with tomatoes, onions, limes and cilantro. And while a well-made guacamole is delicious, there are SO many other great recipes you can make with avocados, not the least of which is…

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